Part of the fun before a retreat is the chat that goes on in the forums and on facebook. You get to 'know' a few people that without the internet wouldn't be possible. It also allows the build up to begin with a few pre retreat challenges, last week was the fabulous Scrapstars retreat and the challenges set before were to make a name badge and a mini me page.
For the name badge, I had made one for the April retreat but didn't get around to using it, so I fished it out and tidied it up.
The tutors from the event judged the entrants and I was lucky enough to win, I got a yummy box of chocolates, I was absolutely thrilled. They are still in my fridge, I ate so many goodies over the weekend that I'm keeping these for a Sunday evening in front of the telly watching Dowton Abbey.
The other challenge was to make a mini me page, the dimensions had to be 5.75" x 3.75". It had to include our name and say something about us.