I'm a bit late posting today, I've been working in Liverpool so haven't had access to a computer. I went with a colleague and when we were going over the Snake Pass we saw this.
How amazing is this, there was nothing other than this patch of icicles, it looks like the puddle below them was the icicles melting, but as cars came round the corner the puddle was sprayed back over the ice. As it didn't get above 2 degrees all day they were still there on the way home so we stopped to take a photo. This will probably find its way into my document 2010 project for February.
Meanwhile the Craftwork Cards challenge continues with T for template, just make a card or project using one of their templates and send a photo of the results to them. Simples! As I have said I can't win a prize but I can have the fun, so here is my card using the build a fairy template. I just didn't put the wings or wand on and made it a card for a teenage girl. Go on have a go, you've got until 19th February to get your entries in. Don't forget the flowers part of the challenge ends tomorrow, go here to see the entries so far. Good luck!
How amazing is this, there was nothing other than this patch of icicles, it looks like the puddle below them was the icicles melting, but as cars came round the corner the puddle was sprayed back over the ice. As it didn't get above 2 degrees all day they were still there on the way home so we stopped to take a photo. This will probably find its way into my document 2010 project for February.
Meanwhile the Craftwork Cards challenge continues with T for template, just make a card or project using one of their templates and send a photo of the results to them. Simples! As I have said I can't win a prize but I can have the fun, so here is my card using the build a fairy template. I just didn't put the wings or wand on and made it a card for a teenage girl. Go on have a go, you've got until 19th February to get your entries in. Don't forget the flowers part of the challenge ends tomorrow, go here to see the entries so far. Good luck!